In Loving Memory of a great Mentor

Created by davebevpowell 11 years ago
Having known Ben for over 45 years, gives me pause to reflect a bit on the many memories shared with him. Ben was a true mentor for me. He was a great inspiration in guiding my career development. I was always amazed at his vast knowledge of our industry and of his professional manner in meeting and establishing key contacts with the medical community. In this regard, he played a key role in bringing success to our company. Ben was liked by everyone he met and work with; his easy-going manner and great "gift of gab", made him a friend to all. He was renowned for his story-telling and loved to tell jokes. Some were told over and over, so we just started giving each joke a number, to save him time! This would always give Ben a big laugh. I knew from the very beginning that Ben was going to be a great boss; he actually took me on a fishing trip my very first days at work. Throughout his career, Ben fostered the development and marketing of many important products. Ben lead the way for the first US market approval of lithium carbonate, a drug which probably saved countless lives for those suffering from MDS. I will forever be grateful for Ben's friendship and the countless memories. God bless Ben Greenwell. Dave Powell